
Frequently Asked Questions

Quick and Dyrty Answers to Commonly Asked Questions

Dyrt is not just a waste hauler but a technology company. Our innovative low footprint organic waste management facility in the heart of LA county dramatically reduces costs associated with transporting and processing organic waste. Meanwhile, our Dyrt cloud provides businesses with real-time data for all waste streams.
Absolutely! Our clients typically save between 25% to 40% on their monthly organics bill. We achieve these savings by streamlining the waste collection process, leveraging technology, and cutting transportation costs. Other waste haulers operate processing facilities nearly 100-miles away. We pass those transportation savings on to you.

General Questions

Dyrt is not just a waste hauler but a technology company. Our innovative low footprint organic waste management facility in the heart of LA county dramatically reduces costs associated with transporting and processing organic waste. Meanwhile, our Dyrt cloud provides businesses with real-time data for all waste streams.
Absolutely! Our clients typically save between 25% to 40% on their monthly organics bill. We achieve these savings by streamlining the waste collection process, leveraging technology, and cutting transportation costs. Other waste haulers operate processing facilities nearly 100-miles away. We pass those transportation savings on to you.
Mill and Lomi are great ways to shrink residential organic waste, but they aren’t composting devices – they’re food grinders and dehydrators. Dyrt’s system completely turns food waste into ready to use compost at a scale more appropriate for commercial and municipal organics producers. You would need hundreds of Lomi or Mill bins to process the equivalent food waste as one of our in-vessel systems.

Dyrt’s in-vessel composting system and anaerobic digesters are both innovative solutions for managing organic waste, but they function differently and serve distinct purposes.

In-Vessel Composting:

Method: This system accelerates the natural composting process by creating an optimized environment within a closed container. It’s designed to rapidly break down organic waste through microbial activity under controlled conditions of temperature, moisture, ph, and aeration.

Output: The end product is high-quality compost that can be used to return nutrients to the soil, supporting agriculture and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.

Advantages: It’s a fast, efficient, and environmentally friendly method. Our in-vessel system significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional landfill disposal.

Anaerobic Digesters:

Method: These systems process organic waste in an oxygen-free environment. Microorganisms break down the material, producing biogas (a mix of methane and carbon dioxide) and digestate.

Output: The biogas can be burned as a renewable energy source, while the digestate is often flushed out into sewers that flow into wastewater treatment plants.

Advantages: Anaerobic digesters are excellent for energy recovery and can handle a wider range of organic waste, including wastewater sludge.

Our service is personalized, responsive, and hassle-free. We offer clear guidance in a complex regulatory landscape and are ready at a moment’s notice to assist with any emergency pickups, or address questions or concerns.
Dyrt tracks organic waste weight and volume automatically, and handles the entire compliance process. This ensures that your business remains compliant with regulations and safeguards against potential fines.
We offer a real-time impact dashboard that displays your waste diversion metrics and total environmental impact based on EPA standards. This helps you track your sustainability goals and provides instant feedback when it comes to your food waste reduction efforts.
By managing your food waste responsibility, Dyrt eliminates harmful methane emissions associated with landfill disposal. Our approach takes organic recycling one step further by providing finished nutrient-rich compost to local municipal and agricultural partners.
We partner with local schools and organizations to support community gardens, edible food-waste recovery initiatives, and educational programming.

Business/Hospitality Questions

Yes, we customize our services to meet the unique requirements of your business. We work closely with our clients to establish on-site composting or a pick-up schedule that meets their needs, and we use technology to monitor and manage our fleet to ensure timely service.
Not at all. We manage the entire transition, including canceling your existing organics pickup. Our aim is to make the switch seamless and hassle-free for your business. We’ll collaborate with your team to ensure minimal disruption to your daily activities
We understand that contamination can occur. Our team provides guidance on proper waste segregation to minimize contamination. If contamination levels are consistently high, we’ll work with you to find solutions without imposing hefty fees or complications.
Our waste management system is flexible and can easily adapt to changes in waste volume. We can provide additional resources and adjust collection schedules as needed to accommodate fluctuations due to events, holidays, or seasonal variations.
We track your business’s total inputs and outputs for on-site machines to determine how often compost needs to be collected, then notify you before collection.
Compost is collected based on the available volume, and the customer is notified via the Dyrt app, email, or phone 24 hours in advance. Collection always occurs during regular business hours.
Yes! All customers are assigned a dedicated Dyrt representative whom they can contact for any inquiries.

Downtime is never good in waste. That is why we monitor your on-site system 24/7. Your connected composter notifies the Dyrt engineers, who immediately run diagnostics and often resolve the issue before you notice anything.

In the event of a composter malfunction that cannot be diagnosed and repaired remotely, our robust service team promptly addresses and resolves any issues to ensure uninterrupted waste management.

Compost, by nature, has a pleasant earthy smell, but if something goes wrong, we have a backup carbon filtration system built in, so no odor should be noticeable at any point
Our staff training helps reduce contamination quickly with a goal of reaching less than 1%.
Of course. Your waste is your compost; you can have as much as you want. Any excess will be hauled off, and if you would like it screened and returned, we can do that, too!
Dyrt provides a limited one-year warranty for all wear items and a 3-year warranty for structural, contingent on adherence to the provided guidelines. Our specialized team is prepared to promptly service the device, generally within 24 hours for most repairs, but a maximum timeframe of 5 to 7 business days for more extensive repairs.
Yes, Dyrt can compost any compostable ware that is BPI-certified. Our recommended partner is Eco Products, and we are happy to make an introduction.
We recommend utilizing the Institute of Local Self Reliance’s Composting for Community interactive map HERE.

Municipal Questions

Dyrt offers comprehensive compliance support, ensuring that your municipality meets all state organics management regulations, including achieving full SB 1383 compliance. In addition to our organic waste hauling services, we also help with data collection and compliance reporting, outreach and education, waste audits, and route planning services.
Including Dyrt as one of your official waste processors or haulers can lead to significant cost savings and increase customer satisfaction. Our efficient organics processing facility and technology-driven approach reduce operational costs and automate reporting and compliance. With Dyrt, businesses save 25-40% of their organics bill.
Yes! Under SB 1383, all California jurisdictions must procure a certain number of tons of recovered organic waste products based on their populations. Our organics processing delivers nutrient-rich compost, which can be used for agricultural and landscaping purposes, contributing to soil health and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. It can be distributed for use in public spaces like parks, gardens, and community farms, or it can be made available to residents and local businesses.
Dyrt also offers educational programs and materials to increase community awareness about the benefits of organic waste reduction, recovery, and recycling. We can help organize workshops, informational campaigns, and other activities to encourage participation and support from local residents and businesses. These programs can also fulfill a municipality’s SB 1383 education and outreach requirements.
We offer detailed reporting and analytics, including real-time dashboards that track waste collection metrics, environmental impact, and compliance data. This helps your municipality monitor progress towards sustainability goals, such as emissions and water use reduction goals, and make data-driven decisions.
Yes, Dyrt can compost all organic material and any compostable ware that is BPI certified. Our recommended partner is Eco-Products, and we are happy to make an introduction.

We recommend utilizing the Institute of Local Self Reliance’s Composting for Community interactive map HERE.